Expander Component

The purpose of the Expander is to control the dynamic range of the Output below a set Threshold Level.

You can specify the maximum attenuation applied by adjusting the Depth setting. You can also set the proportion ( Input to Output) of attenuation that is applied to the Input by adjusting the Ratio. The Ratio allows adjustments from 1 (1:1 - unity with the Input) to 100 (100:1 - very close to the Threshold Level).


Response Panel and Detector

Control Name


Range / Values

In Gain


The Input Gain adds to the level of the Input source.

Default = 0

Range -20 to 20



Graphically and numerically displays the RMS level of the Input.

-100 to 20

Response Panel

Graphically represents the Gain Calculations for the Channel having the highest Input RMS level.

X axis represents the Input

Y axis represents the Output

The red dot represents the Output Level. Below the Threshold Level the Output is equal to the Input, above the Threshold level it is adjusted by the Compressor.

X axis -60 to 20

Y axis -60 to 20


Bypasses the Compressor functionality.


Applied Gain


Graphically and numerically displays the amount of Gain applied to the Channel with the highest RMS Input level. The same amount of Gain, calculated based on the highest Channel, is applied to all other channels that are above the Threshold Level regardless of their relation to the Target Level.

Graphically the meter starts in the middle, displaying attenuation in red going down from center, and gain in green going up from center.

-60 to 20

Out Gain


Controls the output level.

-20 to 20

Gain Calculation

Control Name


Range / Values

Threshold Level


Sets the point from which the attenuation is calculated based on the Ratio setting. This is where the Expander starts working. Assuming only one Input, a level below the Threshold Level is attenuated, anything above the Threshold Level is not attenuated.

If the

  • Threshold Level is -15 dB
  • Ratio is 2.5
  • Input level is 10 dB
  • Adjusted Output is
    (((Input level - Target Level) / Ratio) + Target Level) = Output Level
    ((10 dB - (-15 dB) / 2.5) + (-15 dB)) = -5 dB

Default = -20

Range = -60 to 20


( n:1)

The ratio between the Input and the Output as measured from the Threshold Level.

The closer the Ratio is to 100, the closer the Output will be to the Threshold Level.

Default = 4

Range = 1.0 to 100



The maximum amount of attenuation that can be applied.

Default = 20

Range = 0 to 60

Soft Knee


Provides a smooth transition for the Output during the transition from above the Threshold Level to the expanded Output, below the Threshold Level.

The Soft Knee begins adding attenuation before the Threshold Level as the Input decreases then continues to increase attenuation until the Input level decreases by the amount set by the Soft Knee. At that point, the Soft Knee has no effect.

Default = 0

Range = 0 to 24

Time Constants

The time constant is the time it takes to cover 63% of the control change. For Attack, the start gain is 1.0 (unity) and the end gain is 0. After 10 seconds, the value is at 1-0.63 = 0.37, which corresponds to -8.7 dB. For Release, the start gain is 0 and the end gain is 1.0 (unity). After 10 seconds, the value is at 0.63 which corresponds to -4 dB. Depth is ignored in this calculation, it simply limits the filtered gain to a minimum.

Control Name


Range / Values

Attack Time (seconds)

Sets the time it takes for the output amplitude to rise to 63% of the specified Ratio of the input amplitude once the Threshold Level is exceeded.

Default = 20ms

Range = 0.0001 to 0.1

Release Time (seconds)

Sets the time it takes for the output to fall to 63% of the level set by the Depth control after the Detector level drops below the Threshold Level.

Default = 0.1

Range = 0.01 to 10

Detector Time (seconds)

Available only when Detector Time Property is set to Use Control.

Sets the time it takes for the Detector level to reach 63% of a change in the input signal. This adjustment is to prevent changes (spikes, low frequency signals) in the input from causing unwanted, momentary output.

Default = 20ms

Range = 0.0001 to 0.1


Expander Properties




Side Chain Input

Provides one Side Chain input per Channel. The Side Chain allows you to filter a signal before using it to control the dynamic range of the unfiltered Inputs.

In Gain is always applied to the Side Chain input signal, regardless of the state of Bypass.

NOTE:  If you select Side Chain Input = Yes, and don't use the Side Chain Inputs, you will not have any expansion control.

Yes / No

Detector Time

Sets one of three pre-set times, or enables the Detector Time control in the Control Panel. If one of the three pre-set times is chosen, the control is not available in the Control Panel.

Adjusts the time constant that determines the rate of change of the Detector level in response to changes in the Input signal. This adjustment is to prevent changes (spikes, low frequency signals) in the Input from causing unwanted, momentary output. A fast Detector Time may result in an Output that rapidly fluctuates.

Use Control




Bypass Gain Meter

When set to Active, the Applied Gain meter is active regardless of the state of the Bypass button. This means you can adjust the Expander in Bypass mode.

When set to Inactive, the Applied Gain meter is inactive to indicate that the component is in Bypass mode.








Sets the type of Channel available for Inputs and Outputs.





Sets the number of Channels for Multi-channel.

2 to 256

Control Pins

The available Control Pins depend on settings in Properties.

Pin Name




Pins Available

Applied Gain

-20 to 20

-20 dB to 20 dB

0.000 to 1.00


Attack Time

.0001 to 60

0.100 ms to 100 ms

0.000 to 1.00

Input / Output








Input / Output


0 to 60

0 dB to 60 dB

0.000 to 1.00

Input / Output

Detector Level

-100 to 20

-100 dB to 20 dB

0.000 to 1.00


Detector Time

.0001 to 60

0.100 ms to 100 ms

0.000 to 1.00

Input / Output

Input Gain

-20.0 to 20.0

-20.0 dB to 20.0 dB

0.000 to 1.00

Input / Output

Output Gain

-20.0 to 20.0

-20.0 dB to 20.0 dB

0.000 to 1.00

Input / Output


1.00 to 100

1.00 to 100

0.000 to 1.00

Input / Output

Release Time

0.01 to 10

10.0 ms to 10 s

0.000 to 1.00

Input / Output

Soft Knee

0.00 to 24.0

0 dB to 24 dB

0.000 to 1.00

Input / Output

Threshold Level

-60 to 20

-60 dB to 20 dB

0.000 to 1.00

Input / Output

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